Sunday, November 9, 2008


If you're reading this, then you should know that I'm far away right now. Alright, not that far, but I will be soon. And the sooner, the better I say.

Why am I leaving? Well. You'll find out soon enough. Will I try to defend myself? Nope. Not now anyways. There are some things that I'm not ready to tell the world...

To her: I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry. You have no idea. I know this doesn't even begin to cover it, but I'm leaving. For good. Hopefully you'll never see me again... unless there's anything I can do for you. I'll spend the rest of my life doing whatever it takes to make it up to you. Anything at all.

To everyone: Goodbye and good luck. If you want to leave me a message telling me how much you hate me, feel free. I'll be checking in from time to time... I'm all alone now. I'll need something to do.

Vengeance. Out. For Good.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vengeance is my game... haven't you heard?

I'm not sure if that Gossip Guy dude is a good thing or not, but... Well, it gives me a bit of insight. Yeah, I know who M is... do you? 'Cause he's looking for those who want a scandal. That's right, you get a night of fame. Who's in? You know you want to...

C is in for a big surprise... That's right, bitch. And you were mad at me... ha. We all know that's J's fault. Alwaysreallyangstybecauseofsomethingstupidshedidgirl is in big trouble. And to think I even liked her a little bit. She was good for Joe.

Now I'd feel bad if I made fun of my brother... these are not good times for the Aphrodite guys. You all better be nice to him too, or I'll kick your ass. Unless you're a chick... then I have other forms of punishment in mind. Hehe... Okay, it's not really funny, but not the point.

...Gossip Guy (XD...a guy gossiping...that's ridiculous) has me using his stupid nicknames... crap.

Anyways, yeah. Despite what GG says, you'd be surprised by what space you can find under the right circumstances. ;) So ladies, anyone? Seriously, I'm cool with having a steady girlfriend even. I just read that stupid GG blog and had to respond in kind... couldn't resist. Though just a night is fine too... I'm going to stop before I convince you all I'm crazy.

Vengeance. Out.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I so didn't copy a movie...

I know what you're all thinking. "Yay, it's Myles! Let's randomly tackle him or pelt him with something!" Yeah... Aimée already took care of the hyperness. And Giselle. And Cyn tried to blow off my manhood for things I didn't even do... BUT WE'LL GET BACK TO THAT LATER.

So... Yeah. I did not take my blog title from one of the greatest movies ever... because I'm not legend, I'm vengeance. Duh. ...yeah, I'm epic like that. Besides, they copied me... I'm older.

So... BACK TO CYN AND HER TRYING TO CRIPPLE ME. I went out for a walk in the woods, and I told Joe where I was going so he could tell Cyn if she came looking for me (WE'RE JUST FRIENDS. <.< SHUDDUP). What did that annoying little girl do? S/he went and told her I was out with Meredith! I hardly know her! But Cyn believed him and now she's going to kill me! I HAVE TOO MANY FANS TO DIE.

I don't understand it either... we're just friends. So even if I was out with Meredith, what would it matter? It's not like we're together or anything... AND NOW I CAN'T EVEN SLEEP IN MY OWN BED. Apparently it's been rigged to blow up. I'll trade with Joe... so, uh, don't tell him. Or give him the link here. Mkay? Mkay.

Yeah... Now I feel guilty. AND I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. I should have been out with a girl. But no... I should wait for Cyn to decide she wants me. I should impress her by proving to her that I'm not who I used to be. I should pay more attention to her... SHOULDN'T SHE TRUST ME. Guess not. >.<

Okay... I'm gonna sign off before this rant gets longer. Sorry my first blog post had to be about her... -mumbles under breath-

Vengeance. Out.